These settings define how the particles will behave in your simulation
Channel | Explanation |
General | |
Resolution | Resolution and Density define the Mass of a particle |
Gravity | Control the amount of gravitational force |
Ground Friction | Amount of Friction with the Ground Plane |
Freeze Threshold | Particles stop drifting if velocity is below this threshold |
Freeze Min Contacts | Minimal number of contacts a particle must have to stop moving |
Color Scale | Control how bright the particles are displayed |
Particle-Interaction | |
Particle Stiffness/Push-Away | Controls how strong particles push away each other |
Friction | Amount of friction between individual particles |
Attraction | Control attraction force between particles |
Slushiness | Inversely controlls the explosiveness of impacts |
Constraints | |
Constraint Stiffness | Controls how strong the connections between particles are |
Constr. Break Stretch | Maximum amount of stretch until a constraint breaks |
Constr. Max Length | Maximum search distance for constraint creation |
Remove Wires | Removing particle strands that look like wires |
Plasticity | Enables plastic deformation of constraints |
Relink Threshold | Creates constraints if velocities between particles are below this threshold speed |
Relink every n-th step | Controls how often recreation of constraints should happen |
Sleeping | |
Enable Sleeping | Stationary Particles can become inactive and speed up the simulation |
Visualize Sleeping | Show sleeping particles as red in the viewport |
Start Asleep | Controls if all particles should start as sleeping particles |
Velocity Threshold | Particles have to move below this threshold to become asleep |
Sleep Delay | Delay in seconds before particles become asleep |
Allow Sleeping to get moved | Allow sleeping particles to change position |
Wakeup by Vel Thresh | Wake particles up if faster than this velocity |
Solver Details | |
Iterations | More iterations help the solver to more accurately resolve constraints. Done per substep |
Damping | General dampening |
Clamp Acceleration | Limit acceleration of particles |
Clamp Speed | Limit maximum particle speed |
Initial State Cache File | Create a Initial State Cache or load one from disc |
Track UVs | Transfer UV information from the emitting geometry to the particles |
Export Format | Choose export format |
Enabled | Enable or disable the system |
Visibility | Control if the simulation is displayed in the viewport |
Show Extra Params | Show some extra Settings for special Cases |
Initial Constrain Breakup | |
Noisy Pre-Breakup | Use a noise to pre-breakup some constraints |
Noise Scale X,Y,Z | Controls the pre-breakup noise scale |
Noise Octaves | Controls the pre-breakup noise octaves |
Noise Roughness | Controls the pre-breakup noise roughness |
Collider Stick-Behaviour | |
Stick Weight Map Inital Value | Initial value of the particle stick attribute |
Visualize Stick Weight Map | particles with stick value over 1.0 will be displayed in green |
Un-Stick by Vel Thresh | Set stick value to zero when faster than this velocity |