- adding cloth-solver, cloth-constraints and cloth-guide nodes
- cloth solver allows for stable cloth mesh and lines tearing
- cloth constraints can get created by groups and/or merged together
- adding also visualize-constraint node (cloth only)
- constraints can have varying “stiffness” and “breakstretch” values (pre-existing as point attributes)
- cloth inflation force is now triangle area dependent on default
- alembic importers and exporters can handle lines (curves) as well
- better weighting added to attribute-transfer node (proximity mode)
- attribset-node has an added falloff parameter
- point-delete node can also work on meshes now
- attrib-set node can also directly use a mesh as a “mask” and has a falloff parameter
- volume gradient node has an option to normalize and choose output name
- fixing clone-node (dynamics)
- adding Mesh-Curvature node
- smoke-solver node has an option for linear vorticity
- transform-stick can get enabled on a specific frame (classic collider)
- copy node fix
- alembic timing fix
- write node has the option to remove data attribs
- Storm additionally supports online licenses now
- “Transform Stick” also works for Collide-Classic node
- bugfixes